Hello, I’m Joydee, born and raised in Manila, Philippines, and now living in Auckland, New Zealand. You’re looking at the eager cook and recipe-tester, content writer/storyteller, and newb photographer behind MyJoyDelights. It’s great to see you here!
Interested in my journey as a cook? These delightful quotes from Julia Child perfectly sum up my unexpected detour to a place called…the kitchen.
“I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate.”
Not even close to Julia’s age. I was already in my 40’s when I took interest in cooking. Great food to me back then were either cooked by my family or bought from food chains and restaurants.
It did not cross my mind that I would like or learn how to cook.
Imagine someone who could not even make a decent boiled egg? That someone used to be me.
“The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.”
Not sure I recall what motivated me to pick up the pots and pans long kept away in the kitchen but surprise! surprise! My fear of failure was undeniable, but I thought I’d jump in anyway.
I always had doubts whether I could cook well but I would ask myself – what’s the worst thing that could happen? Just cook! That attitude pushed me to keep going.
“This is my invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook- try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun!”
If cooking doesn’t come to you naturally – relax – you’ll make progress for sure, just keep going.
Seven years and heaps of dirty pots and pans later, I never felt more excited and inspired by food. And now I’m on to baking and bread making. Who could have known?
Lastly, I’m a big fan of Julia Child. Love her wits and humour to bits!
I got her book as a gift on my birthday, and the family hoped I could take them to France through its timeless recipes. Seriously!?

Need to contact me directly? Send me an email: joydee@myjoydelights.com
Got questions about any of the recipes? Please write on the Comment Section of the recipe post and I’ll reply as soon as I can.